Friday, October 30, 2009

50 pounds! That's it?!

I have two full suitcases and things still on the floor next to them and more on my "to buy" list!  What am I to do?  This is so typical of me, but what is not typical is that this is not the night before my flight when I am trying to cram too much into too small of space.  So, now I have time to pull everything out and re-assess what I really need to take.  Of course, at this point I really think I need to take it all and fear that whatever I take out will be the one thing that I wish I had!  I have one suitcase of my clothes, toiletries, etc., and one of school supplies including craft materials, glue, colored pencils, math games, coloring books, oragami paper, etc. I had wanted to take puppets, but couldn't find any!  I'm sure if I had, they would have been out of my price range anyway.

I still haven't received an email regarding my home stay family.  I am looking forward to hearing about the family as I want to take small gifts for each family member and of course, that's one more thing to go in the suitcases!

I have heard from another intern who is from the states and is starting at the same time as I am.  She will arrive in Quito two days after me, but we will still meet up there at the hotel/hostel before heading out to Otavalo on Sunday morning.  She took Spanish at University, so I am hoping for some help from her.  Should be nice to have someone who is going through the same things as I to share adventures with.  I am just hoping that she will be willing and able to travel a bit on the weekends to explore other parts of Ecuador.

Tomorrow I must continue to put my life either into the suitcases or into tubs and boxes for the storage unit.   I pulled a few haphazardly packed boxes/tubs out of there today to sort through again to take some of the stuff to goodwill.  I just don't understand where it all comes from: everytime I've been home I take at least one box to goodwill and yet they keep coming - maybe I won't need a storage unit soon!


  1. Hey, at least you started the packing early! I always, always wait until the last minute or at best the day before. Good luck fitting it all in!

  2. I think they are multiplying! : )
