Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Observations/differences - some old, some new

In Ireland and England, when you buy a beer in a bottle you get a glass of ice to pour it into!  I've never heard of having ice in beer.   Also with mixed drinks, you are given the glass with the booze in it and then a bottle with the mixer to add yourself.

People (I'm not going to make a blanket statement of who), hold their knife in their right hand and fork in the left to cut their food -- and then keep the utensils that way and use the knife to push food onto the fork -- and sometimes onto the back of the fork, and then eat it from there.  They don't do the switch of the fork to the right hand to eat like I and most people I know do.

I had three different opportunities to ride as a passenger in cars.  With all three people, I tried more than once to get into the drivers seat!  Don't think I want to try to learn to drive on the "other side" of the road!

Most of the sinks not only have separate knobs, they also have separate faucets.  So, how are you supposed to mix the hot and cold to get the water the right temperature to wash your face?

I'm back in the land where the first floor is the ground floor and the second floor is the first floor.

I always pack too much -- I need so much, "just in case" -- but I never have all the right things.

There are "bits" in the orange juice, not pulp.  They don't have whole wheat bread, they have "whole meal".

Wi-fi is pronounced wee-fee, lunch is tea and to "call on someone" is to stop by their house.

When you leave your hotel during the day, you leave the key at the front desk.  You don't forget, because often it is on a big weighted ball!  And often the keys are what I think of as old-fashioned keys -- don't know what they are actually called.

The water for the shower is heated by an electric heater that's IN the shower!

Stop lights not only change to yellow when going from green to red, but also when changing from red to green.

To say someone likes to drink a lot, you can say, "he likes his pint".   When someone in Cork gets drunk, they are "pissed" and when they are angry, they are "in bits".  And they can be open long hours, which is probably why they need so many kegs each week!

Pay toilets!  Oh, how I hate them! There's no waiting until the last second to find the bathroom when you have to dig in your wallet first for the right coins.  Or, what's worse is when you have to first go to the ATM to get the right currency, then find somewhere to buy something small to break the bills into coins!

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